
Privacy Force Town Trail

WELL DONE to everyone who has completed our PRIVACY FORCE TOWN TRAIL and has uncovered our privacy message. You are now at Stage 4 of your mission to becoming a Privacy Hero! Don't forget to return your completed entry form to the reception desk at Jersey Public Library or the Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner reception by Monday 12 August 2024 to be entered into a prize draw.

We hope you enjoyed discovering our Privacy Heroes! 

These privacy heroes are proud to protect the Jersey community. Their mission is to empower and equip islanders with the tools they need to protect their personal information.

Be a Privacy Hero and use your powers!

Keeping personal information private helps prevent others from pretending to be you. Did you know that it only takes as little as 3 pieces of personal information to steal your identity?

A privacy hero is someone who uses all their powers to keep their personal information safe. As individuals we can learn to instinctively #decide #protect and #question when sharing personal information about ourselves.

#Power to DECIDE

  • How and who you share your personal information with.

#Power to PROTECT

  • Use strong passwords that contain lowercase, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols.
  • Use passwords with a minimum of 12 characters.
  • Keep passwords in a safe place and only share with your trusted adults.
  • Checking your privacy settings on your devices.
  • Saying no if you are not comfortable with sharing information about you.
  • Do not use your camera while playing games online with people you don't know.
  • THINK before you share!

#Power to QUESTION

  • Ask why your personal information is required.
  • Ask who your personal information is going to be shared with.

Be strong, Be brave, Be respectful, Be responsible #BEAPRIVACYHERO


Join The Privacy Force in their adventures to protect islanders’ personal information. Click here or below to read the comic

Mr Privacy
Superpower: Supersonic senses – Mr Privacy can sense when others are in trouble with data breaches and will be there in a moment’s notice to help.

Mrs Privacy 
Superpower: Top tips master – she has all the tools to help you combat data concerns. Mrs Privacy knows the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 inside and out.

Privacy X
Superpower: Invisibility – Privacy X is here to help you improve your data privacy. Their identity is a complete secret, even to the other Privacy Force superheroes.