Registration & Charges Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q: Who sets the charges?
A: The charges were set by the States Assembly following a process of public consultation and discussion with industry body representatives.

Q: Do I have to pay a charge?
A: If you are a controller and/or processor you will have to pay a charge unless a charge exemption applies.

Q: How often do I have to pay the data protection charge?
A: Registrations must be renewed annually so the relevant charge will also have to be paid annually.

Q: When do I have to pay the charge?
A: The charge is due one calendar month after registration if it is a new registration, for example; a business start-up. For renewals, the charge is due as of 1st January every year and you have until the last day of February to make payment.

Q: How much do I have to pay?
A: The charges range from £70 to £1,600. The charge depends on the number of full-time equivalent employees, past-year revenue and the type of personal data being processed. It is structured like this out of fairness and takes into account the risk profile of the controller / processor.


Full-Time Employees

Full-Time Employees Charge

Proceeds of Crime Charge

Special Category Data Charge*

Less than 10




Between 10 and 50 inclusive




More than 50




*The special category data charge only applies if the controller/processor is also registered with the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) and the past-year revenue is more than £100k. 

Past-Year Revenues

Less than £100k


Between £100k and £5m inclusive


More than £5m but £20m or less


More than £20m



Administered Controllers/Processors
In this Regulation, “trust company business” and “fund services business” have the same meanings as in Article 1(1) of the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998. The annual charge for a registered controller and/or processor that is being administered by a trust company business or a fund services business is £50 per administered controller/processor.

Q: Are registration charges exempt from GST?
A: Yes, charges are exempt from GST as the Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner (JOIC) is an independently audited States body.

Q: What is the data protection charge for and what do I get in return?
A: We use the data protection charge to fund our data protection work. Our mission is to provide the people of Jersey with the highest level of data protection. The data protection charge allows the JOIC to effectively and efficiently regulate and enforce the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. This in turn supports the free flows of data between Jersey, the UK, the EU and adequate jurisdictions, and helps to ensure the Island’s reputation for good regulation, and a safe place to live and do business.

Q: Why is my charge more than £1,600?
A: £1,600 is the maximum charge per controller/processor. If the controller/processor also includes administered registrations, these will be charged at an additional £50 charge per administered registration.

Q: What happens if I register in, for example, August of the current year? Will I be charged in full then and then in full again during the renewal period in January - February or will the charge be pro-rata?
A: You will be charged in full at the time of registering and will have to pay in full when renewing in the following January – February. The JOIC does not have any power to pro-rata charges.

Q: Do you issue refunds?
A: Only in exceptional circumstances. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible if you believe a refund may be required.

Q: What happens if I don’t pay my charge?
A: The JOIC has the power to remove a registration from the Register if the relevant charge is not paid. It is a criminal offence to process personal data without being registered with the JOIC.



Q: What payment methods do we offer?
A: CityPay (online via debit or credit card), BACS or Cheque. You can pay online at the end of the registration process or log in and return to the registration portal at a later date and pay online using the 'Pay Now' button. BACS and Cheque payment details are included on the invoice. 

Q: If I pay via card, will I be sent a receipt?
A: The JOIC use the CityPay platform for card payments. CityPay will send a transaction notice to the billing contact's email address.

Q: How long do I have to pay?
A: If a renewal, the payment window opens 1st January and closes on the last day of February.
If a new registration, the payment window is one calendar month from the date of registration.
The JOIC has the power to remove a registration from the Register if the relevant charge is not paid. It is a criminal offence to process personal data without being registered with the JOIC.



Q: How long will the registration last?
A: If a new registration, the registration will expire on 31 December of the year initially registered. If a renewal, the renewal and charge covers a 12-month period from 1 January, which expires 31 December.

Q: When does the registration expire?
A: All registrations will expire on 31 December regardless of their initial registration date.

Q: What happens if I am no longer responsible for this registration and someone else is now responsible?
A: If you are no longer responsible for managing a particular registration, please ensure you share the registration number and security code details with the person responsible for the registration going forward. Please also ensure the correspondence email address is updated so that the new person responsible will receive all relevant registration correspondence. Once complete, please email with the registration number and registration name to request that your user profile be delinked from the registration. Please do not submit a deregistration request as this process only applies when a registration is no longer required.

Q: How do I cancel/deregister if the registration is no longer required?
If the registration is no longer required, you must inform us as soon as possible and at the latest within 28 days of the change. Please log into your user profile, click on 'Options +' located next to the registration and then click on the 'Deregister' button to complete the deregistration request form. (Note: If you are keeping any accounts and records (that include personal data) as required by law after ceasing to conduct business, you must remain registered but may be exempt from charges.)
If the company is still active on the JFSC registry and not yet dissolved, it cannot be deregistered and must be renewed. Once dissolved, a deregistration request can be submitted.

Alternatively, deregistration can be requested by emailing with the following:

- the JOIC registration number,
- the JOIC registration name,
- the reason for deregistration (e.g. dissolved, ceased trading, merged, now registered as administered etc.)
- the effective date and
- confirmation that the personal data previously processed by this individual or organisation has either been safely destroyed or that another individual or organisation has assumed responsibility for the processing.

Please be reminded that any accounts and records (that include personal data) being retained as required by law after ceasing to conduct business is still considered processing and therefore must remain registered but may be exempt from charges. 

Q: What happens if I do not register?
A: Failure to register with the Authority is a criminal offence.



Q: When will organisations be added to the registry? 
A: Registrations will appear on the registry as soon as they have been registered/renewed. The expiry date will display as 'pending' if payment is awaited or as the expiry date (e.g. 31/12/202X) if paid. Registrations will be removed from the registry if payment is not made within the required timeframe.

Q: What information will be displayed on the registry?
A: Name, registration number, expiry date, registered business names (if any). Administered registrations will also be displayed and searchable on the registry but will not show any link back to the administrator.



Q: When do I need to renew my registration(s)?
A: The renewal period opens on the 1 January and closes on the last day of February each year. We will send registration reminders when the renewal period window opens and through said period until the renewal is complete, so please ensure registration details, especially the correspondence email address, is kept up-to-date.



Q: What is a data controller?
A: The data controller determines the purposes for which and the means by which personal data is processed. If your company / organisation decides ‘why’ and ‘how’ the personal data should be processed it is the data controller.

Q: What is a data processor?
A: The data processor processes personal data only on behalf of and in accordance with the specific written instructions of the controller. The data processor is usually a third party external to the controller.

Q: What is an appointed DPO?
A: An appointed Data Protection Officer refers to someone who has been appointed to that role as per Article 24 of the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018.

Q: Class of Processing - What is a Public Authority?
A: Public Authority means:
- the States Assembly including the States Greffe;
- a Minister;
- a committee or other body established by a resolution of the States or by, or in accordance with, standing orders of the States Assembly;
- an administration of the States;
- a Department referred to in Article 1 of the Departments of the Judiciary and the Legislature (Jersey) Law 1965;
- any court or tribunal;
- the States of Jersey Police Force;
- a parish;
- the holder of a public office;
- in relation to any country other than Jersey, any person exercising or performing functions or holding any office similar or comparable to any of the persons described in sub-paragraphs (a) to (i); and any other person or body (whether incorporated or unincorporated) that exercises functions of a public nature.

Q: Class of Processing - What is a Candidate for Election?
A: Candidate for Election means an individual who has been admitted as a candidate for a public election of an officer in a constituency under Article 18 of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002.

Q: Class of Processing - What is a Provided School?
A: Provided School means a school listed at Schedule 1, Part 1 of the Education (Jersey) Law 1999. This does not include dance schools, driving schools, childminders, music schools etc.

Q: Class of Processing - What is a business that has ceased trading?
A: An organisation that has ceased to conduct business but continues to retain any accounts and records (that include personal data) as required by law, after ceasing to conduct business. If a company, this only applies if the company has been dissolved. If it is still live on the Jersey Financial Services Commission registry, this exemption will not apply.

Q: Class of Processing - What is a non-profit association?
A: Non-Profit Association means any body, or association that is not established or conducted for profit.

Q: What is an FTE?
A: One element of the annual charge is calculated based on an organisation’s number of full-time equivalent employees (FTE).

- A FTE means a person employed for more than 27 hours a week;
- If an individual is working no more than 9 hours a week they are treated as 25% of a FTE employee;
- If an individual is working more than 9 hours but no more than 18 hours a week they are treated as 50% of a FTE employee; and
- If an individual is working more than 18 hours but not more than 27 hours a week they are treated as 75% of a FTE employee.

The determination of FTEs must be calculated on the basis of the highest number of posts existing at any time during the past 12 months, ignoring any vacancies.

Q: What is past-year revenue?
A: Past-year revenues means a payer’s gross revenues that are generated by or on behalf of that part of their business that is established in Jersey for the year before the year to which an annual charge relates.

Q: Who is subject to Proceeds of Crime (Jersey) Law 1999?
A: An organisation that is registered with the Jersey Financial Services Commission and is carrying on a financial services business as specified in Schedule 2 to the Proceeds of Crime (Jersey) Law 1999 (other than in paragraphs 6, 8 and 10 of Part B) which includes (subject to any exemptions that may apply) such as:

• Business that is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission under regulatory laws;
• Lawyers;
• Accountants;
• Estate agents;
• High value dealers;
• Casinos;
• Acceptance of deposits and other repayable funds from the public;
• Lending, including consumer credit, mortgage credit, factoring, financing of commercial transactions;
• Financial leasing;
• Issuing and administering means of payment;
• Guarantees and commitments;
• Trading for the account of third parties in money market instruments, foreign exchange, futures and options, exchange, interest rate and index instruments, transferable securities;
• Participation in securities issues;
• Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings;
• Money broking;
• Portfolio management and advice;
• Safekeeping and administration of securities;
• Safe custody services;
• Otherwise investing, administering or managing funds or money on behalf of third parties; and
• Virtual currency exchange

Q: Is the person/organisation registered with the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC)?
This refers to the person or organisation being registered with the JFSC, not just those who are regulated. The following types of individuals and organisations must be registered with the JFSC; registered business names, companies, foundations, incorporated limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited partnerships and continuances and separate limited partnerships. To find out if the person or organisation is registered, please click on this link to search the JFSC registry.

Q: What is special category data?
A: Special category data means:
- data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership;
- genetic or biometric data that is processed for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person;
- data concerning health;
- data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation; or
- data relating to a natural person’s criminal record or alleged criminal activity.

This may include the processing of special category data relating to employees such as sickness absence records, accident report books, allergies, health declarations, criminal record checks, finger prints for ID purposes etc.

Q: What does “established” mean?
A: The Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 defines “established” as follows:
(4)   For the purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3), each of the following is to be treated as established in Jersey –

(a)  a natural person who is ordinarily resident in Jersey;
(b)  a body incorporated under the law of Jersey;
(c)  a partnership or other unincorporated association formed under the law of Jersey;
(d)  any person who does not fall within sub-paragraph (a), (b) or (c) but maintains in Jersey –

(i)  an office, branch or agency through which the person carries on any processing of personal data, or
(ii)  a regular practice that carries on any processing of personal data; or

(e)  any person engaging in effective and real processing activities through stable arrangements in Jersey.

Q: Is the organisation a “trust company business” or a “fund services business” that administers controllers / processors?
A: A “trust company business” and “fund services business” are as defined in the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998 as follows:

Article 1 “trust company business” has, subject to any Order under Article 4, the meaning given to that expression by Article 2(3);

Article 2(3) A person carries on trust company business if the person carries on a business that involves –
(a)  the provision of company administration services;
(b)  the provision of trustee or fiduciary services;
(c)  the provision of services to foundations; or
(d)  the provision of services to partnerships not being services described in sub-paragraph (a), (b) or (c),

Article 1 “fund services business” has, subject to any Order under Article 4, the meaning given to that expression by Article 2;

Article 2(10) A person carries on fund services business if by way of business the person is –
(a)  a manager, manager of a managed entity, administrator, registrar, investment manager or investment adviser;
(b)  a distributor, subscription agent, redemption agent, premium receiving agent, policy proceeds paying agent, purchase agent or repurchase agent;
(c)  a trustee, custodian or depositary; or
(d)  a member (except a limited partner) of a partnership, including a partnership constituted under the law of a country or territory outside Jersey, in relation to an unclassified fund or an unregulated fund.[32]

Q: How do I know if I need to include the names of the controllers / processors established in Jersey being administered by the “trust company business” or “fund services business”?
A: Controllers / processors are only required to be registered once. For example, you do not need to register the controller / processor as being administered by you if they have already completed their own registration. Therefore, please ensure the controller / processor being administered is not already registered. You should check whose responsibility it is to register the controller / processor.