Find out about your obligations and how to comply, including protecting personal information, and providing access to official information.
Practical advice about protecting your personal information and how to exercise the rights available to you.
If you are an organisation and wish to report a breach, please click here.
If you are an individual wanting to raise a concern about an organisation, please click here.
Search our repository of useful information to get help with correctly managing data or protecting your privacy
The Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 gives citizens important personal information rights. The Jersey Law places obligations on how both the public and private sectors process personal information.
The Data Protection Authority (Jersey) Law 2018 requires organisations established in Jersey who are processing personal data to register with us. The principal purpose of registration is transparency and openness.
Our primary concern is for the safety and security of the people of Jersey. Our skilled team is on hand to support Islanders with any guidance needed around compliance with data protection requirements.
You share your data every time you sign up for an APP, use Instagram or Snapchat, or visit a website. Here is tailored advice on keeping your personal information safe in a highly connected world.
Frequently asked questions for registrations and charges
This guidance note contains the Commissioner’s guidance on registration under the DPAJL. Registration is a statutory requirement and every controller and processor must register with the Authority.
You have the right to find out if an organisation is using or storing your personal information.
The Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 (DPJL) is based around six principles of ‘good information handling’ (the Principles. This is part of a series of guidance to help individuals and organisations to understand the principles of the Data Protection (Jersey) Law, as well as to promote good practice.
A personal data breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data.
This infographic identifies whether or not you need a Data Protection Officer.
As the Coronavirus continues to spread globally, more Island organisations are asking employees to work from home. We have produced guidance for organisations and employees to advise on the Dos and Don’ts of working from home.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a framework mandated by the European Union for the drafting of new data protection laws in each member state.